Stainless Steel Enamel RTU Powder

A New Choice For Enamel Process

In the enamel industry, stainless steel enamel has always attracted the attention of the industry for its unique material properties and wide application prospects. For stainless steel enamel, although traditional enamel frit can achieve the ideal enamel effect, the process is relatively complicated. Once there is a problem in the link, it is likely to cause problems such as porcelain explosion and scale explosion, causing cost losses for enamel manufacturers.


Fortunately, with the continuous advancement of technology, stainless steel enamel RTU powder products have gradually matured. This enamel RTU powder has shown excellent performance and advantages in the stainless steel enamel process. First, after sintering, stainless steel enamel RTU powder can be directly combined with the stainless steel blank to form a uniform and dense enamel layer, which is not only smooth and delicate, but also colorful and wear-resistant.

Secondly, the use of stainless steel enamel RTU powder can greatly simplify the enamel process. Since the RTU powder has been finely ground, there is no need for complex ball milling steps, which reduces production time and cost. At the same time, the use of RTU powder can also reduce product defects and improve the qualified rate of products.

For novice enamel factories, stainless steel enamel RTU powder is even more of a blessing. Since the RTU powder is simple and convenient to use, novice manufacturers can also easily get started and quickly master the enamel technology. This not only helps novice manufacturers improve production efficiency and product quality, but also occupies a place in the fierce market competition.

In short, stainless steel enamel RTU powder is a major innovation in the enamel industry. It not only solves the technical problems in the stainless steel enamel process, but also improves production efficiency and product quality. For enamel manufacturers, choosing stainless steel enamel RTU powder will be a wise decision.
