Grinding of Porcelain Enamel Frit

The purpose of enamel frit grinding is to mix and crush the enamel frit with appropriate grinding additives to form a liquid enamel slurry with fine particles and uniform distribution, which is suitable for enamel coating. Generally, a ball mill is used to grind the enamel frit, which usually takes about a few hours to produce a suitable enamel slurry.

The grinding balls in the ball mill now all use high alumina balls. Add half-full ball stones to the grinding jar, then add enamel frit and grinding material, up to three-quarters of the volume, and finally add water. The amount of water added is appropriate to just cover the ball stones and frit. . In this case, the ball mill tank can exert the best grinding effect.

Too much or too little ball stone will reduce the efficiency of grinding. Too little will easily cause the objects to be ground to gather between the grinding balls, making the grinding balls unable to grind; too much will take up space and the balls will not roll easily, resulting in reduced grinding efficiency. The best situation is that the object to be ground just covers the surface of each grinding ball, and a thin film is formed between the grinding balls.

The best grinding efficiency can be obtained when the grinding ball occupies 50-55% of the volume of the ball mill tank and the enamel frit occupies 22-25% of the volume. Conventionally, the thrown grinding balls are generally divided into three sizes. The ratio is as follows: 50mm balls accounted for 20-25%; 40mm balls accounted for 60-50%; 30mm balls accounted for 20-25%.

Small balls can perform finer grinding, while large balls can crush the object to be ground. The grinding efficiency of small balls is better than that of large balls because its quantity and total contact area are larger than those of large balls.
